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9:30 AM

Morning Worship 9:30am - Pastor Jeremy Oosterhouse

Faithfulness of Isaac - Genesis 28:1-5 more

9:45 AM

Walk-Out Children's Worship

Pre-K - 2nd Grade will be a "Walk Out Worship" that will leave after the opening... more

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Sunday School & Catechism

3rd-5th Grade will be meeting from 11:00 to 11:30 am downstairs in the 2nd class... more

DEC 13
6:30 PM

All-Church Christmas Party 6:30pm

CHRISTMAS PARTY is planned for December 13 at 6:30pm at church.  It will be... more

DEC 15
9:30 AM

Morning Worship 9:30am - Pastor Jeremy Oosterhouse

Repentance of Jacob - Genesis 35:1-15 more

DEC 15
9:45 AM

Walk-Out Children's Worship

Pre-K - 2nd Grade will be a "Walk Out Worship" that will leave after the opening... more

DEC 15
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Sunday School & Catechism

3rd-5th Grade will be meeting from 11:00 to 11:30 am downstairs in the 2nd class... more

DEC 18
11:00 AM

Time of Prayer 11am

TIME OF PRAYER:   We gather for prayer at church at 11:00am on the 1st and ... more

DEC 18
6:15 PM - 8:15 PM

GEMS 6:15 pm

GEMS meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s from 6:15-8:15pm for all 2nd thru 8th gra... more

DEC 22
9:30 AM

Morning Worship 9:30am - Pastor Jeremy Oosterhouse

Godliness of Joseph - Genesis 50:15-21 more

DEC 25
9:30 AM

Christmas Day Worship - 9:30am

Come celebrate the birth of our Savior!  “Good News of Great Joy” - Luke 2:... more